


Sharif LaRocheが独占 - 純粋なMuskの3つの希少な宝石が、最も豊かで豊かなMukhallatsに一緒に注入されました... Beaver(Castoreum)、Civet、Deer Muskの複雑な組み合わせは、まさに香りが強く、催眠的な... 'フェロモン'動物性ムスクのメモは神秘と陰謀をもたらし、フェロモン3の存在を知らない人はいません...
This fragrant diamond is not for the faint of heart, aggressively bold and intense, yet not 'in the rough', but skillfully refined and elegant to invite and attract healthy interaction and sheer moments of desire.




The Civet is a small-sized, slender omnivorous solitary mammal which is native to tropical (southeast) Asia and Africa. Out of the dozen species of civet, the African (Palm) Civet (Civettictis civetta) is the most known, as this is the main species the civet musk used within perfumery comes from. The African Civet is uniquely recognized with black and white stripes and blotches, large hind quarters and an erectile dorsal crest. Names used for the Civet are "toddy cat" in English and "musang" in Malay, though referring to the African Civet as 'civet cat' is misleading, as this animal is not a feline, in fact, related to weasels and mongooses.


ジャコウジカは、Moschus Moschidae に属する 7 種のうちの 1 種を指し、シカ科のシカ、つまり本物のシカと比較して小型の原始的なシカです。この種の鹿はヒマラヤで見られます。ネパール、インド、チベット、中国、シベリア、モンゴル。モシッドは前脚よりも後脚が長く、角がありませんが、オスのシカには牙のような歯とジャコウ腺があります。モシッドのムスク腺「さや」によって生成される刺激的で突き抜けるような匂いを持つ物質は、実際には純粋なディアムスクです。


Castoreum is referred to as the yellowish secretion from the castor sac (scent gland) of the North American Beaver (Castor Canadensis) or the European Beaver (Castor Fiber) - two different types with different scents and appearance. This castoreum secretion helps the beavers keep their fur shiny and water-repellent. Both male and female beavers use the pheromone-laced castoreum mixed with urine to mark their territory. This secretion is known for its use in perfumery, medicinal use and as a food additive.

