DNA-5アーユルヴェーダ・ナチュラル・ムスク・ソリッド・香水スプレー10 ml

DNA-5アーユルヴェーダ・ナチュラル・ムスク・ソリッド・香水スプレー10 ml


Is perfume coded in our DNA? And can DNA be positively alerted by scents, thus promoting health and stability? Do scent cues illicit thought responses cued by pre-existing codes related to instinct embedded in our DNA similar to fight or flight?

DNAに関連する肯定的な香りは、ホルモンの放出を調節する自律神経反応を誘発して、快楽体験や反応を無意識に刺激することができますか? それによって、あなたを知らないうちに他の人を導き、引き付けるフェロモン放出を誘発するか?

The essential essence of life lives on in our collective memories and reemerges over time. Certain scents may unlock the mysteries, and aid in reimagining experiences via scent cues deeply embedded in our past, perhaps linked to our DNA. These cues prescribe to our higher self and its awareness is stimulated enhancing meditation, self-reflection and the inherent good.

These are the mysteries of life that we will explore in developing a perfume that will attempt to recall hidden passed-down traits of pleasing scents attached to DNA that shape personality thus positively releasing scent signatures as pheromones. All things have a beginning, and what better way exists in the exploration of scents and their evolution, before pheromones




The Civet is a small-sized, slender omnivorous solitary mammal which is native to tropical (southeast) Asia and Africa. Out of the dozen species of civet, the African (Palm) Civet (Civettictis civetta) is the most known, as this is the main species the civet musk used within perfumery comes from. The African Civet is uniquely recognized with black and white stripes and blotches, large hind quarters and an erectile dorsal crest. Names used for the Civet are "toddy cat" in English and "musang" in Malay, though referring to the African Civet as 'civet cat' is misleading, as this animal is not a feline, but related to weasels and mongooses.


The Musk Deer refers to one of the seven species that belong to the Moschus Moschidae, a smaller primitive deer compared to the cervid, or true deer. This type of deer is found in the Himalayas; Nepal, India, Tibet, China, Siberia and Mongolia. Moschids have longer hind legs than front legs and lack antlers, but the male deer possesses tusk-like teeth and a musk gland. The substance with a pungent, penetrating odour produced by the musk gland “pod” of the Moschid is the actual pure Deer Musk.


Castoreum は、北米ビーバー (Castor Canadensis) またはヨーロッパ ビーバー (Castor Fiber) のキャスター嚢 (臭腺) からの黄色がかった分泌物を指します。これら 2 つのタイプは、香りと外観が異なります。このカストレウムの分泌物は、ビーバーの毛皮を光沢と撥水性に保つのに役立ちます。ビーバーのオスとメスはどちらも、フェロモンが含まれたカストレウムを尿と混ぜて自分の縄張りをマークするために使用します。この分泌物は、香料、医薬品、食品添加物としての使用で知られています。


The petrified and fossilized excrement of the Cape Hyrax is called Hyraceum, also called the Dassie. This fairly sterile fossilized excrement made up of urine, feces, pollen, plant residue and food, is highly valuable within perfumery as well as in traditional South African medicine. Hyraceum is also called "African Stones", as it hardens and becomes rock-like during centuries of fossilization, and has a very complex scent similar to notes of deer musk, castoreum, civet, agarwood and tobacco. It has shown to be very useful in the treatment of epileptic seizures, stomach problems, ear infections, back problems and as a tranquillizer.



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